View Full Version : Gather.RS FAQ

19.10.16, 00:56
This is the list of the questions that are most likely for you to ask and here's some quick answers.
If you don't find answer for your problem/question please open new thread and explain your problem.

- Where can I read forum rules? (http://www.cybershark.rs/forum/announcement.php?f=99)
- Where can I read Gather.rs rules,instructions & guide how to play Gather.rs? (http://www.gather.rs/help)
- Where can I post unban request? (http://forum.kgb-hosting.com/showthread.php/92830-How-can-I-post-unban-request?p=446207#post446207)
- How can I become VIP? (http://forum.kgb-hosting.com/showthread.php/92827-How-to-become-VIP)
- You didn't recived your activation email? (http://forum.kgb-hosting.com/showthread.php/92824-You-didn-t-recived-your-activation-email)
- Problem with SteamID? (http://forum.kgb-hosting.com/showthread.php/92825-Have-SteamID-problem)
- I think someone is cheating or violating the rules,how can I report him? (http://prntscr.com/cw1kdg)